Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crazy Day

Friday was Crazy Day at Braxton's school which meant you could dress super crazy. This is as crazy as Braxton would allow me to dress him. He's just like Bryan when it comes to things like this. I hope Carly is more fun because I love helping them do fun stuff like this. I wanted him to roll one of his pant legs up really high and wear funny socks, but he wouldn't do it. You should have seen the kids (the Blacks) we carpool with--crazy. The boys had their hair all sticking out on the sides with a bunch of funky layered clothing on. I think Logan's pants were on inside out, and the girl (Kylie) was wearing her swimsuit over her shirt - pretty funny! Oh well, I'll take what I can get.


melanie said...

Cole is the same way!! Max will get a little crazy sometimes- but Cole NO WAY!! Too funny. I saw Parker sleeping on Brian today, he is just the cutest!!

Leanna said...

Oh I remember the fun days like those! My favorite was backwards day when you wore all of your clothes backwards....Good times!

Anonymous said...

I am not looking forward to when Bryce has a serious opinion on clothes, so far he still lets me pick them out.
I think Braxton looks cute.